miércoles, 22 de mayo de 2019

Treasure of Jarabah: Chapter II

"Far , far away, east past the Ridorana cataract and the Pharos, lies the continent of Samaria. In the days of yore, the people of Valendia began to outgrow villages and powerful city states began to ascend. For the most part, the city states lived in peace as they considered themselves kin and shared a common tongue. This favored a very healthy trade between the city states and with time they became very wealthy. Eventually the city states decided to unite themselves to create the kingdom of Valendia. This agglomeration began to rapidly gain strength, which eventually led them to covet neighbor lands. They created a vast army and made armors and weapons of the finest materials they could find. With their vast and well equipped armies, the march began."

The Nu Mou paused briefly to light his pipe, and then picked up where he left off.

"First the valendians began to integrate surrounding cities, either peacefully or by force. When resistance began to grow, Valendia unleashed its might. One kingdom after another fell to Valendian armies, the cruel onslaught would last for many, many years. After the small surrounding territories were integrated into Valendia, came a time of peace during which many philosophers began to arise. One such philosopher was Cirilious Septim, this man wrote a book called 'Threads of Fate' in which he says Valendians are chosen by the gods to spread civilization to every corner of the world, or at least what they knew of it. This book became highly influential and eventually instigated a second military campaign, this time to rule the world."

"Ah, I know I've heard that before…" Balthier said languidly.

"Empires are always constructed more or less the same." Replied the Nu Mou.

"Please, go on." Fran cut in, a bit annoyed about the interruption.

"Very well."

The Nu mou took a long drag from his pipe and puffed smoke from his nostrils, took a deep breath and continued.

"And so, Valendians began attacking major kingdoms. First fell the small men from the east, rich bronze skins, hair as black as night. The Chechetkas. They fought with wood and stone. Fierce in battle, savage might of hope and faith. Easy to kill but large in numbers, the most honorable of them all, even the smallest launched towards battle with blazing eyes and gripped to hope. Brilliant ambushers, but it was not enough to change the tide of war.

Then the stealthiest of them all, the phantoms from the south. Dressed in black robes from heads to toe, invisible shadows in a world plunged to darkness, they attacked when least expected. Dangerous foes, outstanding assassins. Their kills were high, but their numbers dwindled. They were quelled by the might of a growing empire.

Then the black men from the west. Armored with the skulls of beasts. Attacked with sharpened bones and poisoned spears. Masters of survival, lived in a land so barren it was difficult to see how they could thrive, plagued with disease, this took many lives. When all seemed lost they turned to their labyrinth of caves. Many lost their way, many fell to traps and many met resistance in the narrow Kulnan Caves. Many others made their way and wiped the tribes themselves.

Whilst Valendia had been busy with its expansion in the south, the northern barbarians, the Ulgradt, noticed this and began to seize northern territories but with much less resistance. By the time Valendia owned the south, the Ulgradt owned the north. Valendia, following its divine fate, had to have the northern territories as well, an incondite region abundant with diamonds and snow. The only trace of civilization being the grand city of Vaalstak, known as the jewel of the North. The northern tribes of barbarians were feared throughout Samaria, recognized as the deadliest fighting force in the world, although they were losing such reputation to Valendia.

Valendia hesitated whether or not to attack, as they too feared the barbarians. The fierce resistance they faced whilst engaged in the southern conquest had polished their tactics but it also weakened their armies. They feared tactics would not be enough to overcome the barbaric brute force warfare.
Valendians planned the invasion when they were invaded themselves by the barbaric clans, hordes of barbarians ravaged the unsuspecting armies of King Uriel decimating them and driving them further south. 

The warriors were evenly matched and evenly numbered. One brilliant display of tactics was only outweighed by a savage boast of brute force, this led the two armies into a constant stalemate. The war raged for many years until both kingdoms reached conditional peace. One hundred years later, that peace still stands, but it is frail indeed. There have been a number of conflicts that threaten to plunge Samaria into war once more. "

"Fascinating story, wouldn't you say Fran?" Balthier said with a smile on his face. 

Fran looked at Balthier with deadpan expression and turned to the Nu Mou.

"Tell us about the treasure of Jarabah."

"Ah yes, that's what you came here in the first place. Jarabah is an underground vault which lies in the middle of the continent. It was recently discovered by an archadian adventurer. Valendia and the Uthgardt have both claimed it is in their jurisdiction, it's the source of the recent conflicts. I had a chance to speak with the archadian adventurer who discovered Jarabah. He told me that he managed to open the vault and get to the treasure room. He spoke of an unimaginable amount of gold and precious stones. But he also spoke of a particular treasure."

"That's more like it, tell me Nemch'ka, what did the adventurer say about this treasure." Balthier asked with a tone of pleasure in his voice.

"He didn't speak much of it, he couldn't to be more exact."

Balthier looked perplexed.

"I beg your pardon?"

"He spoke of a treasure of such radiance, such beauty… He was dumbstruck as soon as he saw it, hypnotized by beauty of the object. He says he was so enchanted by this that he does not remember what it was or what it looked like, he only remembers the beauty of it. This almost got him killed, turns out there was a savage wyrm guarding the treasure, he nearly traded his life to look at the treasure for a bit longer."

"Beauty enough to drive a man mad…" Balthier mulled the idea with a smile on his face.

"Well Fran, what are we waiting for?"

"Wait" urged Nemch'ka, "I will only ask you for two things in exchange for the information."

"Two things?" Asked Balthier, "Sounds reasonable… speak."

"First I will need you to go to Valendia and get me the book I mentioned earlier, "Threads of Fate". Many history philosophers of Ivalice know of its existence and have a vague idea about its contents, but none have ever read it. I would like to have that book in my hands… imagine, the wealth of information…"

" And the second?" Balthier interrupted, he was eager to run to his airship and begin his new adventure.

"Right, I am sorry, I get excited with the sole idea. The second would be any tomes or annals you find in Jarabah… and the third…"

"The third?" Balthier was surprised by this, the Nu Mou aren't known to be a greedy lot.

"Yes, and third, this I've just considered, I would like to see such treasure… Only in the name of alchemy, I wish to study it. I will give it back as soon as I draw conclusions. You will be paid for what ever you bring back, obviously."

"Well I guess I could do that, just as long as you promise."

The Nu Mou looked at Balthier, he wasn't sure whether Balthier was being serious or just having a laugh.

" I'm joking, old Nu Mou, I shall abide to our agreement, Fran we make leave right away"

"Understood, I will make final preparations on the Strahl, I will meet you there."

Fran stood up and walked towards the door and left.
Nemch'ka turned to look at Balthier.

" I chose to contact you for this job because I've heard you're an honest young man in spite being a sky pirate. Please… Don't make me regret this decision."

Balthier looked at the Nu Mou, amusement riddled his gaze.

"Well that all depends."

Balthier stood up from his seat and walked towards the door.

"Depends on what." Asked the Nu Mou, intrigued.

" Depends on whether or not I find something valuable enough to facilitate parting with what you want out of this deal."

Balthier exited the tavern and pointed his steps towards the Strahl.

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